Provide Examples Of Household Products That Contain Antimicrobial Compounds And Share The Potential Benefits As Well As Any Potential Harm They Could Cause With Overuse.

The use of antibacterial products in hospitals and medical facilities is a necessary and common practice in order to prevent the transmission of disease-causing microorganisms. We have seen an increase in the use of these products, such as antibacterial hand soaps, hand sanitizers, antimicrobial wipes and cleaning sprays, and even dishwashing liquids in healthy households.

For your initial post, provide examples of household products that contain antimicrobial compounds and share the potential benefits as well as any potential harm they could cause with overuse. Do you think daily and frequent use of these types of products within a healthy home is a good idea? Should the FDA have banned the marketing of antibacterial ingredients such as triclosan and triclocarban in the majority of household products? After your research, do you think you will increase or decrease your use of these types of products in your home?

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