Research Methods for Business Management-Full Research Proposal

Word Limit: 2500words Full Research Proposal – Details Guidline along with sample answer attached

Marking Criteria
1. Introduction
– Does the introduction inform the reader regarding the research aims, objectives and research questions?
2. Literature review
– Does the student critically review at least 6 sources to
underpin the study?
– Does the literature review demonstrate student’s
knowledge of the literature and make a critical link with
the research question to be investigated?
3. Research design and methodology
– Does the student provide a detailed rationale of how
she/he intends to achieve the research objectives and
– Type of investigation
– Data collection method
– Sampling method
– Accessibility issues
– Ethical issues
– Data analysis plan
– Research limitations
4. Timetable and references
– Does the student provide a rational timetable?
– Do references correctly applied?

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