Research paper minimum 1200 words please include references in APA format

Assignment Description

You are a counselor in a new youth facility at a local prison. All of the youths are on the mental health caseload. You are in charge of running at least one group therapy and are also in charge of your own caseload in which you engage them in individual counseling. The youths on your caseload need to successfully complete 1 group and at least 8 weeks of individual counseling to gain good days and be able to go home sooner. You need to utilize evidenced-based therapy to illustrate progress not only to your assigned caseload but also to retain your job.

Your boss asks you to see an adolescent client who is considered to be a high risk. This client is a regular at the local mental health crisis unit. He threatens suicide, but his cuts are superficial and not life threatening.

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Address the following:

  • Give 2 types of evidenced-based therapeutic interventions open to this client, and explain how you would utilize them. What type of therapy do you suggest as the best recommendation for this client to attend?
  • Provide a description of 2 benefits and 1 drawback that each evidenced-based therapeutic intervention provides. How might your client react to this assistance, and how might you convince him to try therapy?

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