Research paper minimum 1500 words please include references in APA format

There are several efforts directed at teenagers that try to prevent them from using drugs. These efforts seem to have been met with mixed results. In this assignment, you will research the issues of drug use and prevention among adolescents.

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  • Address the following in a Word document that is 1,500-2,000 words in length:
    • What does the literature say are the most important risk factors associated with adolescent drug use?
    • From your own perspective, what have been the trends in adolescent drug use over the past decade? Are there published statistics that can support your observations?
      • Which drugs do you feel are most commonly used?
      • Do you think drug use has been increasing or decreasing?
    • o What are 3 ways in which have been used to prevent adolescents from using drugs? Explain.
      • Have these approaches been successful? Explain and provide evidence.
    • What do you feel are the best methods for treating adolescents with drug problems? Why?
  • All sources must be referenced using APA style.

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