Research Paper: Will adding more autonomous vehicles to the transportation network increase efficiency and safety or will they introduce additional risk?

The requirements of this paper include a cover sheet (using the 6 line undergraduate entry), 3-5 numbered pages of text, and a reference page. The research paper requires at least five references with 3 in-text citations. Please attach the assignment in Word Format. Format paper consistent with APA guidelines with APA Reference List.

Topic: Intelligent vehicles and their impact to transportation systems.

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Recent headlines have been full of both positive and negative reviews of autonomous vehicles and many of the latest vehicles include autonomous braking and safety features. Many businesses are exploring these modes of transportation to include the use of UAV’s (unmanned aerial systems) to deliver goods and services. Many consumers are excited about the prospect, while others are wary of the consequences of vehicles on the road without a driver who is paying attention at all. In addition, there have been instances of vehicle accidents involving autonomous vehicles and cyber-attacks to the vehicles computer systems. Overall, my personal belief is that this will be the next major innovation to the modern world along with the integration of other forms of artificial intelligence and “smart” system being integrated into our daily routines. This may be the future, but I do not feel it will eliminate errors or safety incidents.

The question I will explore in this research paper is: will adding more autonomous vehicles to the transportation network increase efficiency and safety or will they introduce additional risk?

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