Research Project Update

You will receive feedback on the previous week’s assignment by Sunday 11:59pm. Before you complete your Week Three assignment, please read your instructor’s comments about your Week Two assignment, as well as this week’s lecture. Be sure to include any suggested changes in your project going forward.

In a three- to four- page paper (not including the title and reference pages), provide

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  • A revised version of your introduction, research question, background research, hypothesis, research design, and sampling plan. These revisions must be based on your instructor’s feedback if your instructor provided additional comments about these sections in Week Two.
  • A discussion of the types of secondary data you could use to test your hypothesis, and why this data would be useful. If secondary data would not be appropriate, please explain why.
  • The possible measurement and measurement scales you could use in a survey for testing your hypothesis. If a survey with measurement scales would not be appropriate, please explain why.
  • A reference list documented in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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