Research proposal about Social media 3 pages


I want you to write Proposals should be 3-5 pagesa research proposal that should be 3 pages in lingth.


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Use the following questions to guide your proposal. You do not have to answer all of these questions.


  • What subculture will you study, and what location will you visit to experience this subculture?

  • What makes you curious about this subculture?

  • What do you hope to learn (or learn more about) by studying it?

  • Are you an insider or an outsider in relation to this subculture? Explain your position. How will this position benefit your research?

  • What concerns do you have about your choice? Or, what challenges might you encounter in researching this subculture?


    My research should  Proposals should be 3-5 Pbe about new/social media.Use the following questions to guide your discussion. You do not have to answer all of these questions.What subculture will you study, and what location will you visit to experience this subculture?


What makes you curious about this subculture?


What do you hope to learn (or learn more about) by studying it?


Are you an insider or an outsider in relation to this subculture? Explain your position. How will this position benefit your research?


What concerns do you have about your choice? Or, what challenges might you encounter in researching this subculture?


The problematic questions that I have are


1- what is social media?


2- how does it work?


3- what are the advantages and disadvantages of it?


4– how does social media domnitat old media?


5- is social media better than than traditional media.


6- why do some people say social media is bad?


7- How many people use it?


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