Research Questions, Variables, and Types of Data Case

First, view the presentation titled Quantitative Research Questions and read the Module 2 background information. Then discuss the following items in 2-3 pages (not including the cover sheet and bibliography):

Case Assignment

  1. Develop four research questions that reflect education and/or training topics of interest to you. Three of these questions must be quantitative research questions, and one a qualitative research question.

    Your quantitative research questions must each represent one of the following: descriptive research question, relational research question, and causal research question.

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  2. Identify attributes or variables included in each research question. Be sure to designate the type of variable identified, for example: independent variable (IV), dependent variable (DV), and/or covariate (CoV).
  3. Describe the type of data that will be measured for each variable. Please designate whether the data is categorical (i.e., nominal or ordinal data) or continuous (i.e., interval or ratio data).

Assignment Expectations

To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the assignment by bringing all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).

Include at least three in-text references, preferably including one which is other than those provided in the assigned readings. Feel free to do additional research as necessary.

As Master’s-level students, it is expected that you develop strong skills for reviewing literature.

The Bibliography and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style.

Background Information:

Newsom, C. A. (2010). Pairing research questions and theories of genre: A case study of the Hodayot. Dead Sea Discoveries. 17(3), pp270-288. DOI: 10.1163/156851710X513548. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from EBSCO.

Prat, Nicolas (2012). Teaching information systems with cases: An exploratory study. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 52 (3), pp. 71-81. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from ProQuest.

Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics (2006, June). Glossary. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from

StatSoft, Inc. (2010). Electronic Statistics Textbook. Elementary Concepts. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from…

Research Methods ** Available in the Presentations section.

Optional Reading

Siddharth Kalla,Parameters and Statistics

Web Central for Social Research Methods. Selecting Statistics Retrieved August 22, 2013 from Cornell University website:…

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