Research Questions, Variables, and Types of Data SLP


The Session Long Project (SLP) for this course requires that you complete a matrix in which you align common characteristics of the research process to each research methodology identified (see below). You will also write a narrative essay to accompany this matrix, in which you describe the research characteristics and their applicability to each specific quantitative and qualitative research methodology.

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The overall Session Long Project consists of four module assignments. You will complete a portion of the matrix in each module, and also submit a 3- to 4-page accompanying essay with each module.

Successful completion of the Session Long Project will produce a matrix that is completely filled-in with information, and a 12- to 16-page accompanying narrative essay.


You must complete the matrix below as you proceed through the course. The Session Long Project assignment will describe the portion of the matrix to be completed each module.

Experimental Research

Correlational Study

Survey Research

Grounded Theory

Ethnogra- phy

Case Study

Narrative Research

Mixed Method

Action Research

Type of Research


Example of Research Problem

Type of Research Questions

Type of Variables

Role of Literature Review

Sample Population

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Evaluation of Findings

Submitting Your Assignments

You must submit each module’s SLP assignment (including the progressively completed matrix and accompanying 3- to 4-page essay) at the same time that you submit each module’s Case Assignment.

The following sections will contribute to your overall SLP narrative essay:

Module 1 – Overview of the Research Process (Including: Types of Research and Examples of Research Methodologies)

Module 2 – Research Questions, Variables, and Types of Data

Module 3 – Role of Literature Review in the Research Process

Module 4 – Data Collection and Data Analysis

In Module 4 you will combine all prior SLP module assignments and the new Module 4 assignment, as well as an introduction, conclusion, and bibliography, into one final document.

Each module of the Session Long Project will receive a grade and feedback. The final collated (or “combined”) document will receive a final project grade in Module 4.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your task for the Module 2 SLP assignment is twofold:

FIRST, fill-in the matrix with information pertaining to the following items:

  • describe the type of research question(s) appropriate for each research methodology listed in the matrix
  • identify the type of variable(s) appropriate for each methodology listed in the matrix, and the type of data these variables may represent

SECOND, write a 3- to 4-page narrative essay in which you discuss strengths and weaknesses of various types of research questions. Please include discussion of the following items:

  • compare and contrast the three primary types of research questions most often used in quantitative research (i.e., descriptive, relational, and causal)
  • describe best practices or tips for composing strong qualitative research questions.


Include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 2 SLP assignment and informs the reader of the ideas to be discussed.

Also, please follow the APA format and style requirements, and include an APA-formatted reference list.

Remember, in Module 4 you will combine all prior SLP module assignments and the new Module 4 assignment, as well as an overall introduction, conclusion, and bibliography, into one final document.

Newsom, C. A. (2010). Pairing research questions and theories of genre: A case study of the Hodayot. Dead Sea Discoveries. 17(3), pp270-288. DOI: 10.1163/156851710X513548. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from EBSCO.

Prat, Nicolas (2012). Teaching information systems with cases: An exploratory study. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 52 (3), pp. 71-81. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from ProQuest.

Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics (2006, June). Glossary. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from

StatSoft, Inc. (2010). Electronic Statistics Textbook. Elementary Concepts. Retrieved August 22, 2013, from…

Research Methods ** Available in the Presentations section.

Optional Reading

Siddharth Kalla,Parameters and Statistics

Web Central for Social Research Methods. Selecting Statistics Retrieved August 22, 2013 from Cornell University website:…

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