Student Name

Student Name
Allocation of marks Learning outcome Mark
Question 1 What offences could Ketut, Rhonda, and Sandra be charged with under Victorian and federal drug laws? Explain your response using relevant legislation and case law. Deal with each person in turn.
5 You have clearly identified any relevant offences, the legislation creating those offences and the jurisdiction of the legislation (state or federal) and you have clearly distinguished between the offenders (ie when you discuss a particular offender, it should be clear which offender this discussion is relevant to)
4 You have clearly described the facts and /or law ( cases or legislation) that you rely on in support of these arguments/charges
5 You have demonstrated your understanding of key concepts in cases/and or legislation and application of law specifically to the facts of this problem (you discussed the principles in relation to the facts of the case rather than just discussing those principles in general)
Question 2 Do Ketut, Rhonda, and Sandra have any defences under Victorian and federal drug laws? Explain your response using relevant legislation and case law. Deal with each person in turn.
4 Overall discussion of possible defences and clear identification of the offender in relation to which a particular defence applies
3 You have clearly described the facts and /or law you rely on to support that defence/s
4 You have demonstrated your understanding of key concepts
In cases/and or legislation and application of law specifically to the facts of this problem (you discussed the principles in relation to the facts of the case rather than just in general)


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