Team Document Creation Individual Section Draft

 My Company is Apple and i’m doing Section B.Size, Industry and Market Share–Assign to one person to draft

Students form teams and build a collaborative paper on a business that involves sales; they must create the sections independently and ultimately integrate them. This topic will serve as the content for the majority of their Excel projects. In Week 1, students submit their individual draft sections.

Sections are up to individual teams, but each person must submit a section draft.  Here is a suggested outline:

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A.  Company History–Assign to one person to draft
B.  Size, Industry and Market Share–Assign to one person to draft
C.  Key Products and Offerings–Assign to one person to draft
D.  Key Competitors–Assign to one person to draft
E.  Customer Profile–Assign to one person to draft

Each of these sections should be about 1 page.  The combined final paper will be APA format, 4-5 pp., using at least one citation per section.  It will have a title page, reference page, and an abstract.  Submit your individual section draft here.

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