using your Excel pivot tables to create charts.

The purpose of this assignment is to practice using your Excel pivot tables to create charts.

Then use your charts to create a small PowerPoint deck.


Assignment Directions

Using your Pivot Table Assignment from last week, take that pivot table data and create 3 charts of your choice. Be thoughtful about your use of chart type, colors, and lines. The point of these visuals is to tell a story.

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Create a PPT

Put these charts in a PowerPoint deck that includes:

1. Title slide

2. Chart 1

3. Chart 2

4. Chart 3

In your content slides (slides 2-4), be sure to include a title and a sentence that summarizes your chart. It could be something as simple as “Organic is the largest traffic source for this website”. The sentence should represent the key point you are trying to make about the chart. Remember, the point of a visual is to tell a story.



P.S: I attached a sample excel PowerPoint on SweetStudy folder.


How to Create Excel PivotTable & PivotCharts Video Resources

How to Create a PivotTable Manually (5:37 min)


· Links to an external site.


How to Create a PivotTable (1:36 min)


· Links to an external site.


How to Sort, Filter, and Calculate PivotTables (4:07 min)


· Links to an external site.


How to create formulas in a PivotTable

1. Click the PivotTable. …

2. On the Analyze tab, in the Calculations group, click Fields, Items, & Sets, and then click Calculated Field.

3. In the Name box, type a name for the field.

4. In the Formula box, enter the formula for the field. …

5. Click Add.

Use Slicers, Timelines, and PivotCharts (3:53 min)

Links to an external site.


· Links to an external site.


List of Available Chart Types


· Links to an external site.


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