Deliverable 7 – Develop A Proposal For Healthcare Reform


You will analyze the current literature on the health system in the U.S. Your final project will include a paper, a voiceover PowerPoint presentation, and an infographic of your proposed solution. Possible solutions include a single payer universal plan, a multi-payer universal plan, a potential enhancement to the ACA such as adding a public option, Medicare for all, or a complete repeal of the current law.

The three (3) deliverables are:

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  1. A paper that includes the challenges facing the U.S. in terms of balancing the iron triangle of health – Costs, Access, and Quality. Please address the following:
  2. An examination of current policy
  3. A discussion of whether healthcare should be considered a right or a privilege
  4. A discussion of the role of special interest groups on health reform
  5. Articulate the significance of the involvement the Congressional Budget Office in determining the cost effectiveness of reform
  6. Explain the importance of considering existing privacy laws in reform efforts
  7. Describe and justify your potential solution to current challenges facing the U.S., including resource allocation
  8. A voiceover PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the major challenges facing the U.S. in terms of balancing the iron triangle of health, a comparison of various possible solutions, and your proposed solutions.
  9. An infographic that outlines your final proposed solution to the current challenges facing the U.S. in terms of balancing the iron triangle of health.


Yvette suffers from a rare sex linked disorder that manifests in a deficiency of one particular enzyme: pyruvate dehydrogenase.

Yvette suffers from a rare sex linked disorder that manifests in a deficiency of one particular enzyme: pyruvate dehydrogenase. While she appeared relatively normal in infancy, by the age of 4 she exhibited seizures, poor coordination, and stunted neural development.

1.     What role does this enzyme play in metabolism?

2.     How does lacking this enzyme result in her symptoms?

3.     Would her blood pH be higher or lower than usual? Why?

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