Political Readiness of the countries of South Korea, Bosnia- Herzegovina Uzbekistan

Sources to use as well as any others that may help assist



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South Korea

Political Readiness- roughly a paragraph

Ease of doing business

Pros- 3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Legal Framework

Pros- 3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Political Stability

Pros-3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Intellectual Rights Pros-3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points



Political Readiness- roughly a paragraph

Ease of doing business

Pros- 3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Legal Framework

Pros- 3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Political Stability

Pros-3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Intellectual Rights Pros-3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points


Political Readiness- roughly a paragraph

Ease of doing business

Pros- 3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Legal Framework

Pros- 3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Political Stability

Pros-3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points

Intellectual Rights Pros-3 bullet points

Cons-3 bullet points





Example of what the format should look like and information that it should contain.

United Kingdom

– Political readiness: The United Kingdom is ranked 12th in the world in enterprise conditions (United Kingdom (ranked 13th) 2021). This metric represents the country’s ability to enable businesses to start, compete, and expand in business operations.

· Ease of doing business

· Pros

· Highly skilled and educated labor force

· Robust transportation systems and infrastructure

· Over 100 sea ports

· Easy access to the rest of Europe

· Cons

· Red tape when registering a business

· Filing taxes requires expertise and time

· Strict labor laws leads to high employee costs

· Legal framework

· Pros

· Low corporate tax rates

· Labor laws ensure ethical labor practices

· Cons

· Strictly enforced laws can lead to long delays in operations needing government approval

· Political stability

· Pros

· Ethical and efficient government practices

· Government is generally free from corruption

· Cons

· Brexit has caused social and economic issues, such as tension with other European countries

· Country is facing threat of a recession

· Intellectual rights

· Pros

· Ranked 7th globally

· Trademarking, patenting, and copyrighting is all available

· Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is the United Kingdom’s dedicated governing body to intellectual property

· Cons

· Large population can lead to black markets that sell knock off goods such as clothes and movies



– Political readiness: Montenegro is ranked 49th in the world in enterprise conditions (Montenegro (ranked 49th) 2021). This metric represents the country’s ability to enable businesses to start, compete, and expand in business operations.

· Ease of doing business

· Pros

· Relatively low tax rates for businesses

· Access to ports for transportation

· Euro is official currency

· Cons

· Rural and mountainous terrain makes road travel difficult

· Small population reduces the talent pool for employees

· Poor roadways that are not up to par compared to other European countries

· Legal framework

· Pros

· Favorable tax exemptions for businesses

· Outside countries are allowed to invest in real estate

· No surtaxes or minimum taxes for businesses operating in Montenegro

· Cons

· Foreigners cannot own natural resources, public goods, or agricultural land

· Corporate tax rate is 9%

· Political stability

· Pros

· Independent and sovereign state

· Have not been in a war directly since early 1990’s

· Cons

· Currently facing political instability, as previous prime minister of 30 years was voted out

· Corruption and bribery is present with government officials

· Low Per Capita GDP (73rd)

· Intellectual rights

· Pros

· Montenegrin Intellectual Property Office is responsible for activities related to industrial property rights, copyrights, and related rights.

· Member of the World Intellectual Property Organization

· Cons

· Pirated software and DVDs, as well as counterfeit clothing and sneakers


Political readiness: Bangladesh is ranked 168th in the world in enterprise conditions. This metric represents the country’s ability to enable businesses to start, compete, and expand in business operations.

· Ease of doing business

· Pros

· Cheap labor

· Low overall costs to operate businesses

· Cons

· Slow moving and ineffective government

· Corruption

· Uneducated workforce

· Legal framework

· Pros

· Laws in place to try and protect workers from overworking without breaks

· Cons

· Labor laws are loosely enforced

· Government corruption leads to taxation on non taxable items

· No guarantee of rights for workers

· 35000 work related deaths annually on average

· Political stability

· Cons

· Citizens have very little rights

· Dangerous working conditions have created tension

· Government corruption

· Intellectual rights

· Cons

· Large source of many counterfeited goods such as trademarked clothing


Bangladesh: Abuse of workers’ rights on increase, warns Ituc. Bangladesh: Abuse of workers’ rights on increase, warns ITUC. (2021, November 3). Retrieved October 23, 2022, from https://www.ituc-csi.org/bangladesh-abuse-of-workers-rights#:~:text=Thirty%2Dfive%20thousand%20Bangladeshis%20die,in%20jobs%20with%20poverty%20wages.

Boquen (2022, August 14).  Benefits and challenges of doing business in the UK. Horizons. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://nhglobalpartners.com/doing-business-in-uk-guide/

Doing business in: Montenegro. The Legal 500. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2022, from https://www.legal500.com/doing-business-in/montenegro/

Montenegro – protecting intellectual property. International Trade Administration | Trade.gov. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/montenegro-protecting-intellectual-property

Montenegro (ranked 49th). Legatum Prosperity Index 2021. (2021, November 12). Retrieved October 23, 2022, from https://www.prosperity.com/globe/montenegro

Sourav, D. S. (2021, May 18).  Why ease of doing business remains difficult in Bangladesh. Dhaka Tribune. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from https://archive.dhakatribune.com/business/2021/05/18/why-ease-of-doing-business-remains-difficult-in-bangladesh

United Kingdom (ranked 13th). Legatum Prosperity Index 2021. (2021, November 12). Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://www.prosperity.com/globe/united-kingdom

United Kingdom. United Kingdom Economy, Politics and GDP Growth Summary – The Economist Intelligence Unit. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2022, from http://country.eiu.com/United%20Kingdom

Why invest in the UK? Why invest in the UK? – great.gov.uk international. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://www.great.gov.uk/international/content/investment/why-invest-in-the-uk/

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