Power Point Presentation On Bitcoin

Rubric for PowerPoints


Please check off where your PowerPoint is on each criterion in this rubric

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Not yet excellent


Not yet satisfactory



Few words

per slide,

any art or graphics are relevant, and professional

(slides are a backdrop to what you say, not substituting for what you say)


Few words per slide, and art is relevant and professional


Few words in some slides, or some art is not professional


Most/all slides wordy, or much of the art is not professional




Type size is a minimum of 32 points even in graphics

Font type is the same throughout the presentation


Type size is a minimum of 32 points even in graphics

Font type is the same throughout the presentation


Type size is a minimum of 32 points even in graphics in most slides or font type is the same throughout the presentation in most slides

Type size is a minimum of 32 points even in graphics, in few slides or

font type is the same throughout the presentation in few slides


Bulleted lists are prepared in parallel construction (see your Manual)


Bulleted lists are prepared in parallel construction


Some bulleted lists are prepared in parallel construction


Few bulleted lists are prepared in parallel construction


All slides lead to main point the presenter wants to make


All slides lead to main point the presenter wants to make


Some slides lead to main point the presenter wants to make


Few slides lead to main point the presenter wants to make

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