Assignment On Pinpoint And Direct Instruction Help

Assignment Instructions

Choose one of the behaviors listed below:

1. Answering the phone

2. One-digit addition

3. Putting on pants

Only choose one of the behaviors listed above for this assignment and complete the following. A template is provided.

1) Write a direct instruction script using the RU, EG, NEG formula

a) Write a pinpoint

b) Make the duration of the script no longer than 2-3 minutes when read out aloud

c) Color code your RU blue

d) Color code your EG green

e) Color code your NEG purple

Submission Instructions

1) Refer to the direct instruction script example provided below.

2) Use the template provided below the example

3) Copy and paste the template into a Microsoft Word document

4) Make sure to answer all prompts specified for the direct instruction script, including color coding the text.

5) Make sure to add your name on the document

6) Submit the completed Microsoft Word file with your answers in the assignment folder in Canvas by the Module 7 assignment deadline.


This example is provided as a reference for your assignment. Please do not copy this response for your submission, as that will be considered plagiarism. Your assignment submission must be your own work.

Direct Instruction Script for pinpoint: see-says CVC ”e” word from worksheet





Today   we’re going to be practicing our CVC”e” words. What are we going to be   practicing?

CVC”e”   words


We   know that CVC”e” words make the vowel say it’s name because there is an “e”   on the end.   How do we know the vowel will say it’s name?

Because   there is an “e” at the end


Great!   Read these CVC”e” words

Reads,   “cape,   mope, bake, cage”


Now   the last letter of each word is what?

An   e


And   what does   an “e” on the end of a CVC word mean?

The   vowel will say it’s name


Awesome!   Will this   word have a vowel that says it’s name? Points to mat



Why   not?

Because   there is no “e” at the end


That’s   right! Now   what would this word be if we added an “e” to the end?




Assignment Template







Current Affairs 3 Homework Help (Links to an external site.)

China is increasingly flexing its muscles against Hong Kong and Taiwan.  As business in Asia is so important, but business with China is the center of that, what would you do if you were a CEO who had businesses in Asia?  If you had offices in both Taiwan and Hong Kong?  Would you sit tight or would you start considering moving from these locations?  If so, where would you go?

Information Security


I.Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least three sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. Describe Digital Literacy (how to know what is real on the web).

2. None of these people exist. What does this mean to you?

3. Why is Wikipedia more reliable than a paper encyclopedia?

4. How useful are crowd sources answers?

5. What are some drawbacks to crowd sourced answers?

6. Do people generally utilize the diversity of sources on the Internet effectively?


II. Please write detail of “Internet Surveillance Privacy”. Do a five-source annotated bibliography/reference list on the subject. There should be two annotations for each source. In the first write a paragraph of at least five sentences summarizing the thesis of the article. In the second write a paragraph of at least five sentences summarizing your reflections on the thesis of the article. You should do a deep dive into a topic.

7. How reliant are we and how reliant should we be on getting our news from social media?

8. How do humans remain vigilant when we turn over authority to computers? Have you tried to navigate without gps?

9. If models are simplifications or reality, why do we rely on them?

10. Why was this model, used by Amazon for hiring, wrong?

11. Why did Skynet declare war on the human race?

Write An Executive Summary That Analyzes The Various Patterns Of Population Health Management That Your Health System Is Developing For Your Diverse Population. Use Five Quality References To Support Your Assessment And Findings In This Assessment.

 See attached for assignments 1,2 and 3. This should all be based on the same information. 


Effective population health management (PHM) requires strategies to reach the individual consumer or patient at all stages of life in the manner most appropriate for each individual. PHM must use a set of patterns of population health strategies that describe people and their preferences. These pattern classifications help healthcare organizations begin to understand how they should develop a robust PHM that serves the population needs.

Each market and population is unique. Market position, service offerings, health status, predominant diseases, and geographic and community features are all unique factors that need to be addressed. As your healthcare system gains a greater understanding of their local population needs, the PHM program you are implementing needs to develop criteria that will be assigned to specific population cohorts to define the various proactive health interventions and care delivery.



Write an executive summary that analyzes the various patterns of population health management that your health system is developing for your diverse population.

Use five quality references to support your assessment and findings in this assessment.


-Analyzes the various patterns of population health management that the health system is developing based on specific examples and fully developed reasoning.

-Incorporates at least 5 quality resources to support assessment and findings.



Digital Literacy Homework Help


 Answer each of these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. Describe Digital Literacy (how to know what is real on the web).

2. None of these people exist. What does this mean to you?

3. Why is Wikipedia more reliable than a paper encyclopedia?

4. How useful are crowdsourced answers?

5. What are some drawbacks to crowd-sourced answers?

6. Do people generally utilize the diversity of sources on the Internet effectively?

7. How reliant are we and how reliant should we be on getting our news from social media?

8. How do humans remain vigilant when we turn over authority to computers? Have you tried to navigate without GPS?

9. If models are simplifications of reality, why do we rely on them?

10. Why was this model, used by Amazon for hiring, wrong?

11. Why did Skynet declare war on the human race?

Entr320 Homework Help

Consider your business venture. For week 1, analyze two different business structures for YOUR venture:

  • Briefly describe your business venture. Include the following in your narrative:
    • Name of your venture
    • Nature of the business
    • The objectives of the venture
    • Location (state)
  • Briefly describe each of the two business structures you selected and explain why you might select each of these for your business. (You will need to research and identify the state law you are using.)
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each structure for your business venture
  • NEXT: Which  business structure have you decided that is best for your venture? Explain your business structure decision

Visuals, such as tables, are encouraged.

Minimum 3 pages of content in APA7 format with credible sources supporting your paper in an APA7 formatted Reference page. Remem

Assessing A Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation

Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you. 

Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.

Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis  


Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template


Use this document to complete the Module 5 Assessment Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation




Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation  





How was the success of the program or policy measured?











How many people were reached by the program or policy selected? How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?












At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?


What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?













What specific information on unintended consequences were identified?


What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.













Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?












Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?












Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after one year of implementation.














General Notes/Comments  













LEED Certification Assessment Homework Help

  Perform a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) Certification Assessment of your local living area or work location. Remember to get permission from security. If you wish you may approach the subject in terms of Best Practices.


Assignment 6: LEED Certification Assessment

Table of Contents

Location and Transportation (Note: This H1 required) 4

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required) 4

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required) 4

Heading n (Note: H2 optional) 4

Water Efficiency (Note: This H1 required) 4

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required) 4

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required) 4

Heading n (Note: H2 optional) 4

Energy and Atmosphere (Note: This H1 required) 5

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required) 5

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required) 5

Heading n (Note: H2 optional) 5

Material Selection and Resources Used (Note: This H1 required) 5

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required) 5

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required) 5

Heading n (Note: H2 optional) 5

Indoor Environment Quality (Note: This H1 required) 6

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required) 6

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required) 6

Heading n (Note: H2 optional) 6

Innovative Design and Strategy (Note: This H1 required) 6

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required) 6

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required) 6

Heading n (Note: H2 optional) 6

Sustainable Sites (Note: This H1 required) 6

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required) 7

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required) 7

Heading n (Note: H2 optional) 7

Regional Priority Credits (Note: This H1 required) 7

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required) 7

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required) 7

Heading n (Note: H2 optional) 7

References (Note: This H1 required) 8




Your paper starts here with the first paragraph indented. Start by writing a brief description of your approach to completing the assignment. (Note: Each Heading should have at least 2 properly formatted paragraphs and each paragraph should have at least 3 properly formatted sentences. Also, please delete all the notes before submitting)

Location and Transportation (Note: This H1 required)

Note: Consider potential environmental effects when picking your site. Look at proximity to public transportation, bike storage, parks, etc.

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here.

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here

Heading n (Note: H2 optional)

Start typing here.

Water Efficiency (Note: This H1 required)

Note: You can reduce the amount of water used in your residential or commercial project through several processes. One place you can reduce waste is with your toilets. Upgrade to a dual-flush system that will save money on your water bill and protect the environment.

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here.

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here

Heading n (Note: H2 optional)

Start typing here.

Energy and Atmosphere (Note: This H1 required)

Note: This category is crucial as it focuses on the source of energy. Examples of clean energy include solar panels, wind turbines and hydroelectric systems.

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here.

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here

Heading n (Note: H2 optional)

Start typing here.

Material Selection and Resources Used (Note: This H1 required)

Note: Whether you are building from scratch or renovating a previous structure, you can do it in an eco-friendly way. One of the ways you can benefit the environment is to re-use foundation structure materials, such as cement, bricks, steel and glass.

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here.

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here

Heading n (Note: H2 optional)

Start typing here.

Indoor Environment Quality (Note: This H1 required)

Indoor environmental quality plays a large part in LEED by addressing the inside of a structure. The air inside a building will affect any occupants within. You can earn points through natural lighting, ventilation, temperature controls and minimal pollution.

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here.

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here

Heading n (Note: H2 optional)

Start typing here.

Innovative Design and Strategy (Note: This H1 required)

The innovation category awards points for inventive, sustainable, and green building strategies. These points are flexible and require more creativity during implementation. For example, salvage recycled materials like glass, aluminum and ceramics.

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here.

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here

Heading n (Note: H2 optional)

Start typing here.

Sustainable Sites (Note: This H1 required)

Design the project in such a way that the natural resources and ecosystems nearby can naturally take part of the design minimizing environmental pollution.

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here.

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here

Heading n (Note: H2 optional)

Start typing here.

Regional Priority Credits (Note: This H1 required)

Addressing any particular concern based on the regional or geographical location.

Heading 1 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here.

Heading 2 (Note: H2 required)

Start typing here

Heading n (Note: H2 optional)

Start typing here.



References (Note: This H1 required)

There are no sources in the current document.

Case Study: Telehealth

For this assignment, you will read a case study that describes the steps taken to help an elderly woman remain independent in the comfort of her own home. Based on the scenario described in the case study, you will create a set of interview questions to ask the Telehealth Director. The CEO requests that you interview the Telehealth Director about the use of Telehealth with Mrs. Smith. The CEO requests that you create one thought-provoking question for each of the following topic areas

Assignment Overview

This assignment is intended to demonstrate your comprehension of how using efficient eHealth tools and expert system applications assists health professionals in decision-making.

For this assignment, you will read a case study that describes the steps taken to help an elderly woman remain independent in the comfort of her own home. Based on the scenario described in the case study, you will create a set of interview questions to ask the Telehealth Director.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

  • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lecture before attempting this assignment.
  • To complete this assignment:
    • Read the case study located in the Assignment Worksheet section below.
    • Assume the role as the Public Relations Director for Purple Cross of North Carolina.
      • The CEO requests that you interview the Telehealth Director about the use of Telehealth with Mrs. Smith. The CEO requests that you create one thought-provoking question for each of the following topic areas:
        • Meeting the health needs of Mrs. Smith
        • Decision-making process for technology selected for Mrs. Smith
        • Benefits and risks in using Telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith
        • Cost and staff involved in using Telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith
          • Note: Your questions must be original; not copied or modified from any source, including your textbook. Your questions cannot simply rephrase the above criteria.
        • For each question, the CEO requires that you provide your rationale. Describe how the question will yield a thorough response, and not simply a “yes” or “no” answer.
          • Any cited sources to support your rationale statements must be identified, using APA formatting.
        • Prior to submission, review your responses to ensure that they contain no spelling or grammatical errors.
        • Check your assignment against against unintended plagiarism.
      • Include the proper file naming convention:
      • Submit the Week 4 Assignment.



Grading Criteria Points Possible Points Earned
Created unique thought-provoking question for each topic area.
·         Meeting the health needs of Mrs. Smith 10  
·         Decision-making process for technology selected for Mrs. Smith 10  
·         Benefits and risks in using Telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith 10  
·         Cost and staff involved in using telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith 10  
Provided valid rationale for each question, supported by research
·         Meeting the health needs of Mrs. Smith 10  
·         Decision-making process for technology selected for Mrs. Smith 10  
·         Benefits and risks in using Telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith 10  
·         Cost and staff involved in using telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith 10  
Questions are original, requiring a thorough response. 10  
No spelling or grammatical errors. 10  
Total Points 100  

Assignment Worksheet

  • Case Study

Mrs. Smith is 82 years old and is diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, and congestive heart failure. Her two children live in California, while she lives in North Carolina in a small family home on 10 acres of land in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Mrs. Smith has been in the hospital four times in the last year due to congestive heart failure. As her eyesight and mobility get worse with age, she has found it a challenge to stay on her medical plan and to do her shopping for the right foods she knows she should be eating. Mrs. Smith’s health plan, Purple Cross of North Carolina, assigned a nurse case manager to address her situation. Purple Cross provided a digital scale and a remote monitoring device that recorded Mrs. Smith’s condition every day by uploading her weight and transmitting the answers to a series of questions on a touch screen kiosk. The case manager also coordinated delivery of Meals on Wheels, providing low-sodium, diabetic-compliant dinners to Mrs. Smith on an ongoing basis. The case manager calls Mrs. Smith twice a week, taking the time to educate her about her medications, her activities, and the disease-specific elements that will keep her healthy and out of the hospital. When the case manager identifies that Mrs. Smith can no longer organize her daily medications, a digital medication dispenser will be provided that will keep her on her medication regimen. The medication dispenser will be preloaded with Mrs. Smith’s medications and will issue a subtle doorbell tone when it is time to take them. With the combination of remote and real-time (telephonic) support persons and technologies, Mrs. Smith can remain in her home and avoid further inpatient admissions.


  1. To complete this assignment:
    • Read the case study above.
    • Assume the role as the Public Relations Director for Purple Cross of North Carolina.
      • The CEO directs you to interview the Telehealth Director regarding the use of Telehealth with Mrs. Smith. The CEO directs you to create one thought-provoking question for each of the following topics:
        • Meeting the health needs of Mrs. Smith
        • Decision-making process for technology selected for Mrs. Smith
        • Benefits and risks in using Telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith
        • Cost and staff involved in using Telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith
          • Note: Your questions must be original; not copied or modified from any source, including your textbook. Your questions cannot simply rephrase the topic.
        • For each question, the CEO requires that you provide your rationale. Describe how the question will yield a thorough response, and not simply a “yes” or “no” answer.
          • Any cited sources to support your rationale statements must be identified, using APA formatting.
        • Prior to submission, review your responses to ensure that they contain no spelling or grammatical errors.
        • Check your assignment against against unintended plagiarism.
  1. Include the proper file naming convention:
  2. Submit the Week 4 Assignment.


For each topic, write your question and rationale.

Topic: Meeting the health needs for Mrs. Smith

Your question:

[Write your response here.]




[Write your response here.]




Topic: Decision-making process for technology selected for Mrs. Smith

Your question:

[Write your response here.]




[Write your response here.]



Topic: Benefits and risks in using Telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith

Your question:

[Write your response here.]




[Write your response here.]



Topic: Cost and staff involved in using Telehealth technology for Mrs. Smith

Your question:

[Write your response here.]




[Write your response here.]



Marketing Management Homework Help

A hands on review–I expect your application of concepts review to be approximately 2 – 3 pages; to include references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and that the paper be written in proper grammar/spelling. The intention of this assignment is to apply the concepts to real world situations. Write well–Do your best work. Be sure to cite your work!

A group of investors has purchased from an inventor the U.S. rights to sell a patented, innovative mousetrap. The group has hired Martha House to manage the company that includes assuming responsibility for sales and marketing.

Despite the innovativeness of the mousetrap and its success at gaining public attention, sales are disappointingly slow. Martha finds herself wondering why the world is not beating a path to her door, as Ralph Waldo Emerson would have predicted.

1. Martha and the investors in Trap-Ease seem to face a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” What information do they need to evaluate this opportunity? What do you think the investor group would write as its “mission statement?”

2. Who is Trap-Ease’s target market? Are there other possible market segments that the firm could target?

3. How should the product be positioned relative to the selected target market? Are there other ways to position the product?

4. What marketing mix should Trap-Ease establish?

5. Who is Trap-Ease’s competition?


 Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (1-2 pages): Explain the major components of a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations needed to prepare data for a data warehouse. Also, describe in your own words current key trends in data warehousing.
Prompt 2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology?
Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (1-2 pages):  One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds IT Green Computing. The need for green computing is becoming more obvious considering the amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers, switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their data centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has already implemented IT green computing strategies successfully. Discuss that organization and share your link. You can find examples in the UC Library.


MKRT 201: Introduction to Marketing

Marketing analysis and planning are significant activities for the majority of firms. The purpose of this series of assignments is for you, to apply the concepts you learn in your coursework to marketing analysis and planning for a real good or service.


Each student chooses one of the consumer goods companies from the list below:


Abercrombie & Fitch

Air Canada


Apple Inc.




Best Buy

Caffe Artigiano


Club Penguin

Coastal Contacts


Electronic Arts


Greater Van. Food Bank





Mountain Equip. Co-op

OpenRoad Auto Group


Research In Motion

Rocky Mountaineer


Shell Canada

Southwest Airlines





Tata Motors

TD Bank



Tourism Vancouver

Toyota Motor




ASSIGNMENT 1: Situation Analysis (Marketing Environment) and SWOT


Effective marketing strategies can only be created after a thorough situation analysis of the current and future internal and external conditions under which a company will compete.


Part A: Research and analyze the immediate and macro environments of your chosen company/product. Maximum 2 pages single-spaced, either point-form or brief paragraphs. Cite all sources using in-text citations or footnotes.

  • Customers/Consumers: Who are the current customers? What is the estimated size of the market? How do customers buy and use the product? What factors do they consider when choosing between competitors? How loyal are customers? What products do customers consider to be competitive (direct, indirect, marketplace competitors)?
  • Company & Corporate Partners: Summarize the company’s relevant history and background, mission/vision, culture, resources, key success factors, etc. How has the company been successful so far? What types of partners (e.g. suppliers, service providers, consultants, etc.) help it succeed, and what are their strengths/weaknesses? What types of partners is it missing? etc.
  • Competitors: How intense is the competitio1n in this category? Is the category growing or shrinking? Are there many small competitors, or is the industry dominated by several large players? Are there substitutes/indirect competitors? How easy/hard is it for new entrants to start up? etc.
  • CDSTEP: Describe the characteristics of the macroenvironment in which the company competes, using CDSTEP to cover all main points. What cultural, demographic, social, technological, economic, and political-legal factors influence the industry, the company, and consumers?


Part B: Based on your analysis from Part A, summarize in a SWOT table the company’s key Strengths and Weaknesses (internal) and the key Opportunities and Threats (external) it faces. You should have at least 6 items listed under each SWOT category in your table. Maximum .5 page single-spaced, either point-form or brief paragraphs.


Part C: Highlight the most important point(s) under each of S, W, O, and T and explain if/how they all relate to each other and should shape the company’s marketing strategies. Maximum .5 page single-spaced.